Saturday, January 8, 2011

Double Standards Between Males & Females

It's about that time again where I rant and talk about daily life issues as I've done before by blogging and creating videos on youtube. Cutting to the chase, I will be discussing the double standards that still exist in our society as I am typing this blog. The type of double standards I'm referring to is "Gender" type standards that divides in equality between a male and a female.

The following below doesn't represent anyone else views and opinions but my own and doesn't necessarily represent the individual views of all people in society as a whole.

A specific double standard between males and females is the sexual activity between both genders. I like to refer to this standard as the "Player vs Whore Philosophy" because this is a standard that results from the same actions from both genders, but contains a variation of consequences ranging from positive to negative outcomes depending on one's gender.

For example, let's say that Bob (male) has sexual relations with 10 women in the same night. In the room next to Bob; Mary (female) has sexual relations with 10 men in the same night. The outcome is the same pertaining to 1 person sleeping with 10 different people at the same time. Generally speaking, the "word" gets out that Bob has slept with 10 different women at the same time and as a result; most people in society, especially other males, will look at Bob as a "God" or "Player" or a man of "game" or high-social status and will try to follow within Bob's footsteps. Bob will even receive glances from some females because of his sexual relations to please 10 different women at the same time. Sad, but true in some instances.

On the other hand, the "word" gets out that Mary has slept with 10 different men at the same time and her treatment is a little different. Unlike Bob who's being praised for his actions, Mary gets belittled and called a "slut" or "whore" or negative insults for committing the same actions that landed Bob a sanitary "praise" from his male and some female peers. Mary is looked upon by nearly all females as "trifling", "slutty", etc and the males look at Mary as being "easy", a "jump-off"; still a negative outlook for Mary.

I have to wonder why do these standards still exist between men and women. I feel as if society is becoming more desensitized to the fact that people in general are equal because we are all human beings, but the treatment of people in general variates on multiple levels. I believe that influences such as the media, the internet, and so on, has caused the desensitization of most individuals when it comes to double standards.

Morally speaking, most people grow up learning how to have a "monogamous" relationship and some venture away from the monogamous style into open relationships or the "polygamous" lifestyle. As we see in the media, most males who sleep with multiple women in a short time are rappers, rock-stars, celebrities, rich men, or any man of high social status. These men are looked upon by other less social status males as role-models or someone who they would like to follow in their footsteps, which is also why I think males who sleep with multiple women are merely praised or simply looked upon as being a "player".

In movies, the media, or in general, you hardly ever see a female being praised or looked upon as a "playerette" as I like to call it when she sleeps with multiple men in real life or even in movies. In the media such as movies and the internet, the only time you really see a female sleeping with multiple men at once is in a rated-XXX porn movie. If you do see a female sleeping with multiple men at once in a movie, she is almost always given a bad reputation throughout the movie. Why is that?
I feel as if society is more comfortable with the fact that men sleeping with 1000's of women is alright because partially of the media and what they see in day to day activities. I feel that females are treated negatively regarding the same standard because of how the media portray females in the industry, whether its in real life, the internet, or the movies.

There are plenty more standards that I want to point out also, but this standard of "Player vs Whore Philosophy" as I call it is something that I really wanted to dwell on for a bit.

I will leave this section open for more "Double Standards" as I formulate more ideas:

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