Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheating in Relationships - My Thoughts/Opinions

This is for males and females, so I'm not taking a definite side regarding gender. I feel that there is no justified reason to "Cheat" on your lover, spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or whatever because cheating is cheating and there's no way around it. If anyone disagrees with me and feels that cheating is justified and okay, please don't hesitate to comment this post so we can have a nice discussion.

In my opinion, I feel that cheating is cheating and it can't be defined otherwise. If you cheat on a final exam, and get caught, can you say that it wasn't cheating? If you cheat on an exam and don't get caught, is it still cheating? You're doing the same action, but with different results. In this case, it's cheating, because you're focusing on someone's else paper instead of your own to gain personal benefit from it. This situation is similar to the situation of relationships. If you're sleeping around with someone else instead of your own spouse or better-half, that's for your own personal gain and it's cheating, no other way to say it.

My definition of "cheating" course is: "the sole attempt to trick one's spouse or lover into believing that one is faithful enough to receive their lover's trust by illustrating that they can be "faithful", although they've contradicted themselves by cheating".

If one feels that they lost that "special connection" or just doesn't love the person they're with, I would rather tell the person how I feel and separate from them than just living with them and showing no affection as if you're complete strangers living together. Now if there are children involved, that's a different story because children deserve to have both of their parents when growing up, however children can sense negativity in the atmosphere and if you and your lover can't settle your differences while living together, it can effect the children as well. In that situation, either the lovers need to put their differences aside for the kids or just separate to keep their kids from that negative atmosphere.

Many people also tend to use or try to find loop holes when referring to cheating or something of that nature. I often hear people say some things like this:

"It's not cheating if you don't get caught" - what the hell is it then? Of course that's cheating. If you go to a store and steal a big screen TV and if you don't get caught, it's still illegal regardless because there are laws that make that action illegal. Although there aren't laws regarding relationships, there are laws regarding marriage and can result in a breach of contract if one or the other spouse cheats on the other. If you cheat on your spouse and do not get caught, it's still cheating regardless. If you weren't ready to commit to a relationship, then why in the world would you be in one in the first place?

"It's not cheating if your lover does it to you first" - I'm going be a little more understandable here, but it's still cheating on both parts. First of all, if it was me, I would have rather called off the relationship for one because if they cared about me enough and was faithful enough in the first place, then we wouldn't be having this conversation about cheating now would we? Otherwise, they would have stayed committed and never cheated in the first place and for the person who goes and cheat after their lover has cheated, it's still cheating because you're still in a "RELATIONSHIP" = commitment with that person.

"I wasn't getting "any pleasure" from him or her, so I had to find it else where" - I'm a little more understanding here, but if you felt that way, you should have brought it to their attention because the fact of the matter is, you still were in a "committed" or whatever relationship when that happened and although I understand where somebody would come from on this one, it's still cheating regardless of the situation.

So, there you have it people, that's just a brief thought of what I thought cheating was and how I felt about it, I could have written an entire sermon on this, but again, it's only an opinion, so don't get all bent out of shape if u didn't agree with anything I said because it's only an opinion.
If anyone likes this and agrees with me about this, comment on it and let me know what u think about it too!!!
Like I said earlier, if anyone disagrees with me and feels that cheating is justified and okay, please don't hesitate to comment this note so we can talk about the situation.

Thank you for reading.

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