Sunday, November 14, 2010

“Nice Guys Finish Last?” Real or an “Excuse” Statement?

I used to believe the statement that “Nice Guys Finish Last” when pertaining to relationships and dating; NOT ANYMORE!!! Now, I believe that “Nice Guys” only finish last because they have ALLOWED themselves to finish last.  Once or twice a week, I hear some guy(s) always saying, “yeah, we nice guys finish last.  Women play too many games with men to a point where the man doesn’t  know if the woman is serious or not because they want to use men“.  Sounds familiar?  I’m sure it does.

Now, I’m going to give some input on what I think about this “Nice Guys Finish Last” statement and everything I’m saying is only my opinion.  I am not bringing down any “nice guys” out there, but again, this is only opinion based:

I think the “Nice guys finish last” statement should become the males’ national anthem because it is thrown around entirely too much.  I agree that there are some women who play games with men, but on the other hand, there are some men who play games with women as well.  There’s always two sides to a story people.  Some men will also tell women what they wanna hear to get what they want, not just women alone.  It is a complete fabrication for anyone to say that all women or all men play games because it is impossible to have a relationship with every person in the world, so no one can say that all men or all women are that way.
It’s not the fact that females do not like nice guys because they like to be around nice guys but on occasions, some of them are not really “attracted” to some “nice guys” because there’s a such thing as being “too nice”.

Before anyone jumps out of their chair, I will explain what I mean by being “too nice”.  Example(s) of being too nice would be for instance: a male going on dates and then trying to buy her the most expensive gift(s) and dinner(s) on each date, which can be a huge turnoff for a lot of women, especially on the first date, calling/texting her every 10 minutes of the day and having a fit if she doesn’t txt back, being around her 24/7 (figure of speech) not giving her any breathing room or space, giving way too many compliments on her looks.  These are just a few things to name.  Most, if not all females just want to be treated like regular human beings, not objects or trophy prizes.

In addition, there are some “nice guys” who lack the confidence that women are attracted to because females are attracted to confident guys.  Most of these guys out there who other people categorize as “jerks” or “dogs” that have girlfriend(s) are the ones who don’t care about what people think of them and most of them, although arrogant and cocky mostly, are very confident. They don’t shower women with expensive gifts every day and they won’t have a heart attack if the woman doesn’t text or call them back the same day or cancel her plans with them.  Some nice guys are looked upon as being “needy”, clingy, “submissive”, and as pushovers while also being looked upon as needing the females approval on everything they do.  And they practically do “EVERYTHING” the woman wants him to do as if the guy is too afraid to take an initiative to do anything, which also looks as if the guy is just that desperate to be with a female.  Most females want a man who they can RESPECT, not a man who they can control as if she were his mother.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to be nice, but some guys overdo the nice guy role by a thousand miles.  There is nothing wrong with being a gentleman and there is a difference between a gentleman and a nice guy.  A gentleman is one who is confident and courteous & do things like hold and open doors, pull out chairs, etc and who has a set of values and beliefs and who is RESPECTFUL.   A nice guy is someone who can do some of these things, but still gets walked over because of being too needy or clingy and lacking self-confidence.  There is nothing more of a turn OFF to most women than a man who lacks self-confidence; a man who is submissive and weak emotionally, and looks for the woman to control everything and needs her approval on everything.

I know it may not seem like it at times, but surprisingly there are a lot of females who really don’t care as much about a guy’s looks, height, clothes they wear, the car they drive, or how rich they are, etc, as much as males think they do.  Yeah sure, they don’t want someone who looks like a slob or who only showers once a month, but can you blame them?   It took me years to realize that, but if you are confident and you “be yourself” and not pretend to be someone else you’re not and using these whack pick up lines that NEVER WORK, women will pick up on that and females will be attracted to that.  Yeah sure, you’re not going to attract all females and that’s common because you can’t always determine what a female wants based on the choices of a another female.  Not all females are the same and they do NOT all think and feel the same way.

Another curveball I will throw out is the fact that most if not all women like a challenge and they like to be challenged by men and for the most part, a lot of “nice guys” simply cannot provide that challenge they are looking for and this is another reason why some females are not attracted to “nice guys”.

Men also have to understand that women and men think completely different. They do not think in the same way. Typically, most men tend to make decisions logically while most women tend to base their decisions on emotions/feelings, however, as time goes along, this psychological theory of men and women seems to be fading each day. In regarding attraction, females and even some men for that matter simply cannot control whom they are attracted to, no matter how hard they try.
Now, I’m sure a lot of people are ready to jump out of their windows but again, this is only opinion based and I’m always open to expressing opinion based topics.

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